"Federal Judges Weighing Whether Digital Currencies Should Be Subject to Same Rules as Stocks and Bonds, Could Shape Crypto's Future in the U.S."

Today's Technology News Summary

Image of a series of scientific sample tubes filled with yellow liquids.
Source: Ars Technica

There are many mysteries in life that we end up shrugging off. Why is urine yellow? It just is, right? Rather than flush that 125-year-old question down the toilet, scientists sought out the answer, discovering a previously unknown microbial enzyme was to blame.

The enzyme that has eluded us for so long is now known as bilirubin reductase. It was identified by researcher and assistant professor Brantley Hall of the University of Maryland, who was part of a team based at the university and the National Institutes of Health.

Federal judges are weighing whether digital currencies should be subject to the same rules as stocks and bonds. The outcome could shape crypto's future in the U.S.

The Jamstik Classic sitting on a couch, with its USB-A cable hanging over it.
Source: The Verge

For many years now, my Stratocaster has been a memento hanging on my wall representing the time before I got a MacBook. I swapped my electric guitar out for a 25-key keyboard controller and a library of virtual instruments once my career headed to podcasting. In Logic Pro or Ableton, the Stratocaster could only sound like a Stratocaster, but the MIDI keyboard could be anything I needed it to be for my music or sound design work.

But recently, I bought a new guitar that offers those very same strengths: Jamstik's Classic MIDI Guitar, which has brought my unused fretboard skills back into the digital audio workstation (DAW), with almost as much flexibility as the musical keyboard.

Source: The Verge

Mozilla criticizes Apple's plans to restrict BrowserEngineKit to EU-specific apps, forcing "Firefox to build and maintain two separate browser implementations". Apple's new rules in the European Union mean browsers like Firefox can finally use their own engines on iOS.
