U.S. Moves Closer to Filing Sweeping Antitrust Case Against Apple - January 6, 2024

Today's Technology News

Lower Manhattan and One World Trade Center in New York City are reflected on a monument as the sun rises on December 22, 2023, as seen from Jersey City, New Jersey.

Enlarge / Lower Manhattan and One World Trade Center in New York City are reflected on a monument as the sun rises on December 22, 2023, as seen from Jersey City, New Jersey. (credit: Gary Hershorn / Getty Images)

Unless you're sinking into quicksand, you might assume that the land beneath your feet is solid and unmoving. In actual fact, your part of the world may well be undergoing "subsidence," which is where the ground collapses as sediments settle or when people over-extract groundwater. New York City is sinking, too, due to the weight of all those buildings pushing on the ground. In extreme cases, like in California's agriculturally intensive San Joaquin Valley, elevations have plummeted not by inches, but by dozens of feet.

Last year, scientists reported that the US Atlantic Coast is dropping by several millimeters annually, with some areas, like Delaware, notching figures several times that rate. So just as the seas are rising, the land along the eastern seaboard is sinking, greatly compounding the hazard for coastal communities.

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U.S. Moves Closer to Filing Sweeping Antitrust Case Against Apple

Justice Department officials are in the late stages of investigating the iPhone maker, focusing on how Apple has used its other products and services to defend against threats to its core business. Read More

A pickup truck sits in an open field while the rooftop tent is unfurled on the truck's roof, with the giant solar array angled at the sun.
The retractable panels can generate up to 4.96kWh per day in the western US, according to Jackery. | Image: Jackery

Jackery has converted the humble rooftop tent into a powerful solar generator that lets any car escape the grid for a weekend or longer. Although it's just a concept on show at CES right now, Jackery says it will put the tent into production sometime near the end of 2024.

The retractable solar panels are said to produce up to 1000W when the car is parked and the tent is open and facing south. That's enough to generate 4.96kWh per day in the western US, or 4kWh as you move east, according to Jackery's estimates. There's no mention of its resilience to wind, but that's hardly a concern for a concept parked on ugly carpet inside the Las Vegas convention center. Read More

Source: Microsoft executive Dee Templeton has joined OpenAI's board as a nonvoting observer, as part of a broader boardroom overhaul after Altman's brief ouster. Read More
